To Do List for Connecting With Your Inner Child Workshop
To Do List for Connecting With Your Inner Child Workshop
I am excited that you are going to go on this journey with me. We are going to have a good time re-introducing ourselves to our inner child.
Here are a few things that you can do that will help you prepare for the workshop.
1. Mark the dates on your calendar and plan to attend each time we meet.
2. We will be meeting via Zoom. I will be sending you an email with that code closer to the workshop.
3. Meeting time on 11/4 is 7-8:30 pm EST. On 11/5 the meeting time is 10am- 12pm
4. Please bring the following with you to the workshop:
-a picture of yourself as a child
-a journal and pens, pencils or markers to write with
-favorite childhood snack
-a desire to connect with your inner child
5. If you have any questions, reach out to me at www.theclarityjourney@gmail.com">www.theclarityjourney@gmail.com